“Ouch ouch OUCH!” cougar tooth were spreading a paste over his wounds “ if you hold still it might not hurt as much.” grumbled the elder in reply, meadow heart that was standing nearby giving wind whisper a report on the mountain lion in the forest came over to curl breeze ” storm flower found some new herbs.” all cougar tooth said in reply was a strange sound “how are is he doing.” the elder looked up “oh don’t worry about him sugar, which herbs ?” meadow heart drew in a long breath “ silk feather, blazing star, chick weed and some mare spring,” she was interrupted by falcon feather her that bumped in to her while chasing a leaf “ for the first mare spring is good for keeping the search party away and for the seacond go play another time.” cougar tooth nickerd falcon feather lowered his head ant trotted away ” foals,” she houghed “ done, now stand up your bag of potaoes,” curl breeze stood, he wondred were the pain had
gone “ now, training,” she nickerd a call - few minutes later all the foals were assemled in a circle around cougar tooth “ this is very important so remember,” the foals pricked there ears “ fire will burn, water will flow, air will rise, earth will bind.” Quicker than a snake cougar tooth shot a stone at meadow heart’s chest, the stone was small and smooth it would not do much harm, meadow heart raised her wings, the stone hit her left wing but instead of a soft sound, a hard clang irrupted into the air “ earth,” cougar tooth said in a low voice “ now who is next,” she scanned the rest of the foals and pointed a feather at wind whisper “Now.” cougar tooth took of and raced through clouds with wind whiper hot on her tail “ Air,” she nickerd high enough to make more than a few birds flee, when they landed cougar tooth looked ready to collapse, but wind whisper just houghed in delight. When cougar tooth had cought her breath “this time it’s your turn, honey,” she nickerd to storm flower “ first race falcon feather,” storm flower spun around , and sped into the distance before falcon fetaher even could take a breath “ wait, come back,” cougar tooth nickerd storm flower turned and raced back in there direction ” not, fire.” cougar tooth mused “ take a break I will tell a story,” the foals walked to her side and layed down” one’s upon a time there was a young stallion that wanted to put things right and make anok great again, he declared war against rain herd and cloud herd now know as blizzard herd, the young stallion had a name ruby eye becuase of his red feather later on he earned his other name Blood wing because of his brutal acts, one day he traveled on the shore when he saw a beautiful mare her name was spiral tail then later on she was know as spiral cloud, she gave birth to siren voice now siren cloud but that is a story for another time, the Pegasi was almost done for good when spiral cloud created a new herd the starling colony, she ended the war for good, and now you need some rest bye foals,”curl breeze closed his eyes and drifted into a deep dream less sleep.