“Come on” his foster sister Meadow heart pushed him up the hill, “what if storm flower don’t like me” he said, his sister snorted in amusment “oh don’t be such a whimp Falcon crash” falcon feather spun around to look right up in the face of curl breeze “his name is falcon feather”meadow hearts tone could change in a mather of seconds.
Curl breeze spread his orange wings clearly trying to display, “oh i see you have a crush on storm flower”. Curl breeze turned to look at Meadow heart, her amber eyes gleamed with anger. Her violet and gold feather Shinned in the day light.
”really you help falcon crash” , a beige colt were running to curl breezes side. The colt were panting while trying to speak. “you found him“ .Falcon feather reconized the colt as rain sky, “shadow wing wants to see you.” Curl breeze look liked somone had snapped his wing bones. “WHAT!” meadow heart snorted in amusemen “oh come over it”
in his mind falcon feather tryed to remember all the things he knew about shadow wing the first thing that struck him was that storm flower was shadow wings daughter.Falcon wing followed rain sky to a nearby willow where two pegasi was grasing a black stallion and a white mare, Falcon feather guessed that the white mare was siren cloud, the black stallion raised his elegant head, his Amber eyes focused on falcon feather he din’t Look to happy. Siren cloud spread her beautiful green wings, “Falcon feather we fougth you would never come” her grey green eyes shinned with kindness. Shadow wing started to trot in his direction. He flapped his wing trying to direct someones attention falcon feather looked back and saw a pretty brown filly flap her green wings in a greeting. falcon feather drew in a breath. That was storm flower siren cloud snorted a greeting to her daughter. Mean while shadow wing was only a few leaps away ”we need to talk.”
Welcome to the MB Stormflower, I think this is going to be an interesting fan fic, but, if I may, I'd like to suggest you start a new paragraph when a different character starts speaking (it'll make it tons easier to read)
great story :)
Hi Guys this my firat time making fan fiction hope you like it