Honeyfall was momentarily relived when Willowfrost flew toward were Snow Herd was grazing instead of Pineberry's cave, but then she started to panic. Doubs raced through Honeyfall's mind as grew closer to her new herd, the biggest one was 'What if no one liked her'.
Willowfrost glided nearer to Honeyfall, "Are you okay?"
"Uh... yes, I think so." said Honeyfall, Willowfrost's question had taken her off guard.
"I know this will be a huge adjustment for you, so I want you to know if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask."
Honeyfall nodded, then the pair landed...
I think it's just my computer
that could be because I'm writing them on another tab and copying & pasting them onto the post
that's strange, a lot of the episodes in Sunshadow are really long and my computer is fine with it
I keep writing them short because if I write them longer my computer wants me to reload, so I loose all my work
I like them short tbh. But this is AMAZING
I have said this multiple times on Honeyfall's story: SO GOOD!! but please make them longer