blackfire paced inside the cave, his deathening black coat blending to the silence of the cold winters night. outside not a leaf stirred or dared to move in the breeze. were was she? glowwing had said it be important! he dug his hoof into the soil angrily, this wasn't going to work. just as he turned into the blackness to leave the cave he heard an owl sound, which broke the silence and caused heads of squirrels and other night creatures to turn their heads. he replied with a cricket chirp. then he saw her, not easily missed. her coat glowed its usual soft glow of firefly's and illuminated the forest floor. "stealthy....I see" he joked just as she tedded some dead leaves which crunched loudly, "in more ways than one" she giggled and flicked her beautiful golden main away from her eyes. "oh why thank you" she said in a posh tone. he snorted in amusement but then he remembered that they weren't here to make small talk. "why did you call me hear, my love?" he asked finally. she smiled and surprisingly stepped back to reveal a little foal. " I-I-t-t-t g-glows! like you" he stammered then he shook himself scattering feathers. glowwing lifted her dazzling golden feathers and nudged the foal forward. blackfire cleared his throat lifted his head and put on a serious face. "why have you disturbed my sleep and my day to show me a puny-"he started before glowing swept her wings over his mouth to shush him ."this 'puny thing'-" she begun "is our daughter!"
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wHATS THE DESCRIPT. OF THE FOAL? oops sorry caps on O.o ahhh XD aqnd its great! just be sure to use a little more Capitalization and main like mane
I know but if you guys really want you can decide if you want them to meet when there older?
Awww, poor thing :(
thanks guys lets just say this foals going to have a hard life! she might not grow up knowing who her mother is....
That was ADORABLENESS dawn! Blackfire is hilariously grouchy, and Glowcloud is so nice and sweet! Also, Firefly is a genious name! ❤️
I can't wait for more
Amazing!! I dont mean to sound rood so if it does Im sorry, but if you capitalize some of the words it might be better.
Part 2:
Blackfire backed away wearily. he was dazed, confused and faint. his legs were prepared to fold and stumble back at any moment. he stammered mumbled up words and shook his head, but glowcloud only advanced on him. "its your child whether you like it or not" she hissed. "who's going to raise it? which herd will it stay in?" he challenged. "I was'd accept her...."she mumbled. he look down at the foal, and its eyes that started at him as if ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. "if she's so 'important' to you why don't you give up your leadership and raise her" he scowled, every word being regrated as It tumbled out of his mouth. she looked astounded and hurt by his unexpected hatred panged in his mouth. "look. the plan was you continued being lead mare I became the captain and then we closely bond jungle and dessert herd together so we don't have to continue meeting here-"-he lowered his voice-"-in secret". she sighed flicking her tuft of glowing main out of her eyes. "perhaps we could send her over to ice herd.....somehow "she bent down to give the scared confused foal a reassuring nuzzle. his mouth dropped and smoke curled out of his nose and floated into the cold tense air. "no" he answered simply. "if you think she's so 'unimportant' why should you get a say?" she asked smugly. "because i'm not going to allow my blood foal to grow up with some cold hearted icicle heads!" he laughed and she laughed to, the laugh he'd fallen in love with so many years ago. he finally stopped and nuzzled her. "fine ill take her" he breathed. glowcloud nickered with delight and then bent down to the foals level. "ill see you soon darling, firefly" with that she took off into the thick snow covered vein leading toward dessert herd territory.
Hay, that pegasus with the blue mane and tail could be their filly!
ok I will post it ASAP! thx for the support guys!
And yes I do! I want to learn about this new little filly- her likes, dislikes, friends, and parents! Also her enemies. That’s always important for a story too.
Lol Dragon!
YOU WEREN'T PLANING ON MAKING ANOTHER CHAPTER?!?!?!?! (sorry, I just really wanted to see what might happen next)
thanks wispi! do you want me to?
Awesome story dawn! Will you be continuing it?
Ah, that make sense
that's kinda the book I was reffering to
So more like the way the chain of command works in Erin Hunter's Warriors series, and the leader of the clan can be either a male or female