The next morning Nightwish felt amazing. She didn't remember some of the night very of well.
"Nightwish, did you hear the wolves last night?!!" Willowlake asked trotting up, "It was AWESOME!! All the senior captains went after this she-wolf!! They almost caught her, but she got away at the last second."
"Yes I did hear the wolves, Im glad the she-wolf got away though."
Nightwish nickered lightly, "She must have had a family. I mean not all wolves are evil."
Willowlake started to protest then thought better of it, remembering Nightwish's step-mother was lead mare.
"Anyways, I heard that Harewing was killed last night. By wolves."
Nightwish was shocked into silence, "Was it the same she-wolf?"
"They think so."
Nightleaf came up stiffly behind Willowlake, "May I speak with you Nightwish?" He asked glancing at Willowlake.
"Y-Yes Father?" It was both an answer and a question.
Willowlake said good-bye and trotted off, her tail swishing excitedly.
"Icecloud has decided to make me over-stallion, and I am in charge of catching and killing the she-wolf from last night." She was horrified, Icecloud had always hated her, from the moment she was born. She was the reason her sister, Frostlight, was dead. Her mother had killed Frostlight protecting herself from Frostlight's rath.
"Icecloud is going to be your mate?"
I have fallen so far behind with my fan fics!! Lol
I need to work on them tonight.
Um he is a Appaloosa, with a grey blanket, and almost camouflage green wings tipped in blood red.
Opps sorry... I haven't either but Ive watched videos of rants about her name
Ahhhhhhhhh! I haven't read that book yet!
(Sorry the comment was being difficult so I have to post this in two seperate comments) Twigsong - The sound of a twig snapping in a quiet forest.
I still can't believe they named her TwigBRANCH! It's the worst possible name ever. It's even worse than Billystorm XD. I think Twigfall or Twigsong would have been so much better. Twigfall - A twig falling from a tree.
idk, what is his description?
Maybe I should name him Twigbranch after Twigbranch from the Warriors series... Lol Jk
Eep, maybe you should change his name
I just realized that Nightleaf will be called Nightwing.... Whoops
Nope, you wrote it back in April. Here's the link to chapter 1 Flamefrost:
Yep, I wrote it in May I think
She wrote the first chapter a looooooooong time ago, but this chapter is just as good, I can't wait to read more
Umm I don’t remember Chapter one but great job and keep writing!
I posted my first post! (Well, in a while at least.)