It had been two days since Riversun had been found by Clawfire and the mare was slowly getting better but she still wouldn’t speak about how she got there. One morning, the foals had just woken up and they were about to swim in the lake when Starwing trumpeted a quick call and immediately, everyone gathered around to hear what he had to say. “As you all know, Riversun was found in the woods and she was brought back to the herd.” He started. “This morning she told me that she would like to speak to River Herd.” Starwing stepped back and Riversun trotted forward, her black and white pinto body looked glossy and rounded. “She seems to have recovered well from her journey.” Lightfrost muttered to Crystalwave. Riversun stepped forwards and began to tell her tale. “I am Riversun from Snow Herd and I was kicked out from my herd so I flew to River Herd. I remember seeing the lake then feeling really hot then I woke up and I was here! I must have passed out from heat exhaustion on the way because it is winter in the Wastelands and I am not used to this heat.” She ruffled her black-tipped purple feathers looking embarrassed. “Why were you kicked out of your herd?” A bossy stallion called Stormstripe asked. Starwing stamped his hoof. “She doesn’t have to tell the whole herd right now so be patient.” Starwing whinnied. Riversun looked grateful but more embarrassed. “No. I have come to tell you that I was kicked out because I am about to give birth to the black foal.” Lightfrost gasped along with many others. Whinnies filled the air, some confused and others scared. Brackenfire reared. “That is impossible. Starwing is only 5 so it hasn’t been a hundred years!” Riversun backed away. “I know that and I don’t understand anymore then you do but all I know is that I am pregnant with the black foal and I was hoping that I could live here with my future foal until we are ready to go back to Snow Herd.” Starwing lowered his head and started to discuss what to do with Morningcloud. Soon Starwing stepped forward and arched his neck so the pegasi would have to look up at him. “We have made our decision and you can stay, Riversun.” Lightfrost nickered happily. “Yay. Good on you Dad.” She murmured to herself. Riversun thanked him and trotted away. “Now let’s swim!” Sunstorm cried. The four foals trotted over to the lake and were soon joined by Aquamist who was a tall, dark grey filly with shimmering aqua feathers and Shadepebble’s colt who was a flea bitten grey with light green and pink feathers.
This is GREAT. And welcome! (Yes I know I am fairly knew but......I can still say welcome right?)
Oh nice, I love how you adapted to Riversun being a mare. Very creative
Nice!!!!! And by the way are you new??? IF so WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!