A twig snapped.
Stormlake whirled around, but there was no one there. Her friend, Mintleaf, did the same. The filly's green eyes were as big as saucers, and she whispered, "Ashfeather and Thunderblaze." She bolted off, and Stormflight galloped after her.
Why did she feel so nervous? Mintleaf always jumped at the slightest noise, afraid that Ashfeather or Thunderblaze would appear and ram her. But they never rammed Stormlake, and she wasn't scared of them. But she had a bad feeling that it was someone much, much worse than Mintleaf's bullies.
A rustle in the bushes and Mintleaf took off, followed by Stormlake. They flew high and away. "I'm going back to Sky Meadow," Mintleaf told her, "want to come with me?"
"Nah, I'm going to go for a quick flight," Stormlake said, feeling the wind blow on her face, "I'll catch you up later."
Mintleaf nodded. "See you later then." She flew off.
Stormlake flew fast, the wind whipping her mane in all directions. She loved the thrill of flying in these winds. She suddenly noticed how much the sun had dropped. She started towards Dawn Meadow.
She suddenly heard bleating. Stormlake pricked her ears. It was coming from Feather Lake. She dived towards it.
A newborn was laying there. It had a deep slash in its side, which was freely bleeding. Stormlake picked a frond of a nearby fern. She landed and put it on the cut, hoping it would stop the bleeding. It didn't help much. Stormlake frowned. The foal was going to lose a lot of blood if she didn't get help quickly. "I'll get Sweetroot," she promised. She took off but slammed into the chest of a pegasus.
The stallion, a piebald, gripped her left wing with his teeth, and a gray grabbed her right. They were definitely Mountain Herd steeds, she could tell by their stockiness. "We got her, Nightfire," the gray one said through clamped teeth.
"You did well," the piebald, Nightfire, said.
"Let me go!" Stormlake screamed.
"Nope, you're a Mountain Herd filly now," the gray one said.
"Valley Herd," Nightfire corrected.
"Valley Herd."
Valley Herd? Stormlake thought. These are Mountain Herd steeds. And Valley Herd isn't even a herd...
Sun Herd
Stormlake- large gray filly with dark blue feathers, silver mane and tail, two hind white socks
Thunderwing-dark bay stallion with vibrant crimson feathers, black mane and tail, two hind white socks
Lead Mare
Silvercloud- light gray mare with silver feathers, white mane and tail, four white socks
Medicine Mare
Sweetroot- old chestnut pinto with dark pink feathers, chestnut mane and tail, white star on forehead
Redheart- large dark gray warrior with dark red feathers, black mane and tail. Stormlake's sire. Deceased
Goldsun- palomino mare with golden feathers, two hind white socks. Stormlake's dam
Mintleaf- brown filly with green feathers, light brown mane and tail, pale scar on chest, green eyes
Ashfeather- brown filly with maroon feathers, brown mane and tail
Thunderblaze- gray colt with vibrant orange feathers, gray mane and tail
Starbeam- Palomino filly with silver feathers, four white socks, thin blaze. Stormlake's sister.
Valley Herd
Pinewing- brown stallion with yellowish-green feathers, brown mane and tail, two white hind socks
Lead Mare
Elmcloud- chestnut mare with light green feathers tipped in white, white mane and tail, four white socks
Nightpatch- Captain. Large piebald stallion with white feathers tipped in black, black mane and tail
Constructive criticism welcome.
this is late but this is great!
I’ll change it.
Sorry, do you want me to change it? I don’t mind if you do.
Nice! But my name is Stormflight...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO PEGAFEATHERING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woah! This seems so cool! I wonder why Mountain herd steeds are calling it Valley herd now??
I love it! Welcome!
WHAT??? AAAAAACK!!! This is good!