This is posted under fan fiction because, even though it isn't pegasi it was completely inspired by the Guardian Herd series, so here you are, enjoy.
First things first before we get into the real story - the Sielfaci. Now you may be wondering 'what are Sielfaci?' Well here's your chance to find out.
Ooooook, so… NEVER say that a Sielfaci is like a dragon and a horse mixed together. Because the Sielfaci came before both dragons and horses. From Sielfaci, those two species evolved. Firstly, when the Phoenix came in a few hundred years after the Sielfaci (oh, and that’s pronounced silf-a-kii) the pegasus arrived. And then that evolved into the unicorn, and finally, the horse. The dragons were just what happened after the pegasi came, as the body of the Sielfaci looks like… well, fine, a dragon. And it has a… horse head. But I am only using those terms to describe one to you. NEVER say dragon and horse. NEVER.
There are different five different types of Sielfaci. They are beasts of the elements. Most creatures of Hellagon (the planet they live on, very far from ours) are. So therefore they are of Fire, Water, Earth, Air and, an element that for some reason us humans do not register, Storm.
All Sielfaci have manes like you on Earth would see on a horse, and what you might describe as a horse’s head (you would be wrong if you said that; horses have Sielfaci heads, but for your sake, I must use such dreaded terms as these). They have necks shaped like a horses, but heavily scaled.
They also have (here we go again) horses legs, but not really but for your sake… yeah, you get it. Now a horses legs are very delicate and thin, and so you may be thinking that the Sielfaci body would be too much for them, but no. All Sielfaci are surprisingly light, with wings like paper and protective yet almost weightless scales, so they manage just fine.
Their body takes a gentle slop upwards underneath from the bottom of their chest, which makes them look less bulky and more athletic and well built. Their backs are staight, except for sloping down to their tail which is lengthy and ends in a usually sharp point, which, like the Ashmire, each have their own power or special quality.
They have wings which fold neatly onto their backs. Their wings have many points. You cannot visibly see their bone structure, other than around the outer edge, but veins ripple and twist in squiggly lines visibly in the centre.
Their head must be a true colour of the horse, I must say. Same with the mane. And their scale colour varies depending on what Flampade they are from ( a Flampade is basically their herd, flock, pack, clan, tribe, whatever you wanna call it, but a group of Sielfaci is a Flampade). Often their tail ends in a completely different shade to their Flampade colours. The most common Sielfaci scale and wing colouring is gold, for gold is a neutral colour which is common in all the Flampades.
Here are profiles of the 5 Flampades and a glossary of Sielfaci words:
Ah, yes. Storm Flampade, one of my favorites. A good place to start. So, Storm Flampade is the close ally to Air Flampade (see profile 3).
They are generally quite peaceful beings (though I cannot say that for all of them, because every Sielfaci is different. But most Storm Sielfaci are peaceful) but they will battle if it is necessary.
They have a pretty strong army, but fight best with allies. Their main fighting weapon is their incredibly sharp hooves, which are good for attacks from above.
Their territory is in the windy, stormy moors at the very eastern reaches of Hellagon, right next to the Great Stormlands. Hence why they are the Storm Sielfaci, and built to fly, battle and live in harsh elements and severe winds.
Storm Sielfaci are keen hunters, but also enjoy grass, so they have a mixed diet of rabbit meat and the toughened grass stalks of the moors.
- Storm Sielfaci have large wings for flying in severe winds, though not as large as Air Flampade
- They have a short but thick tail for control in harsh storms
- Their large chests are for strength when flying into gales
- The rest of their body is of a light build, with long thinish legs; they are the second best fliers of the Sielfaci and good runners
- Their hooves are always extremely sharp, since they are their main battle weapon
Wings and scales:
All shades of blue and purple
Metallic silver
Gold (neutral color)
Heads, legs, manes: (a Storm Sielfaci can never be born black, yet for the other Sielfaci they must always be born black)
Steel grey
Dapple grey
Blue roan
Silver dun
Ooo, yay, Water Flampade! Considered the most beautiful Sielfaci of all. Now, Water Flampaders are mostly quick to battle, but usually in a defensive way. They keep a very pure linage and are very protective, therefore no foreign Sielfaci are allowed into their territory (thank goodness for the Flamma! Oh, right, you don't know about them. Don't worry, you'll find out soon!)
Their territory is just north of the heart of Hellagon. They have the huge Mountain Snow Lake in the centre of their territory, and have the Snow Melt Mountains bordering them, which makes their lands very safe. They always have scouts, considered the most hardly Sielfaci in Hellagon, at the blindingly snowy peaks.
The water in the lake is cold and fresh, and the grass lush and rich. Water Flampades specialty is swimming. Their foals grow up practicing in the deep waters, and they are even rumored to attack from beneath the liquid. They can hold their breath for up to 10 minutes and are usually vegetarian but do go for the occasional rodent.
- Medium sized wings for stamina in flight and powerful strokes in water
- Long legs and powerful hindquarters for swimming
- Deep lungs for good breathing and stamina in water and in the air
- Quite long neck so keeping head above water is easy
- Large, rather flat hooves for power when swimming
- Long, lashing tail; their main battle weapon
- Thick scales, manes, tails and pelts for warmth and protection in water
Wings and scales:
Gold (neutral colour)
All shades of blue and pink
Emerald green
Pale green
Head, mane, legs:
Dark bay
Dapple grey
Spotted leopard (white with black spots)
All colours of appaloosa and skewbald, but no roans
Air Flampade, how exciting! These Sielfaci are the best fliers in all of Hellagon, out of all it's flying beasts. An impressive feat. They are also the smallest of the Sielfaci, have the weakest (though not lacking in courage, which is something all Sielfaci have plenty of) army, therefore are very peaceful and will avoid conflict, yet are sometimes still dragged into battle.
They also have the smallest Flampade, with only around 1500 Sielfaci all in all. Air Silefaci must always have pure white, dapple grey or palomino coats, giving them the most limited coloring of all Sielfaci. Air Flampade never eats any meat, just grass and the many healthy weeds, flowers and plants around their home.
Their territory is very small and is tucked into the south-eastern corner of Hellagon. It is pretty much just a large meadow with ginormous oak tree around for shelter, for even though the weather is usually clear and sunny, the occasional storm blows over from Storm Flampades lands. They have the famous land mark of the Blue Leaf tree, which is a gnarled oak tree that is centuries old and towers high above, close to being as huge as the Snow Melt Mountains. But that is not it's most amazing fact. The leaves are an odd (hence the name) dulled electric blue, and have healing qualities like no other plant in Hellagon. Sufframors (Sielfaci healers) come from all around to collect it's powerful leaves.
Air Sielfaci spend three quarters of their life airborne. Another interesting thing about Air Sielfaci is that they do not sleep on the ground like the rest of their species. They prefer to sleep hovering a tail length of so off the ground, which makes their wings stronger and keeps them warmer at night, since their scales are very thin and not protective. They are very sensitive to cold and water because of this, and have thin coats, but very refined builds otherwise. They are most like Arabian horses in the respect of their body shape.
- Huge wings for their size, making them be able to fly incredibly high and for extremely long periods, though they cannot fly in harsh winds like Storm Flampade
- Very small, slight, light bodies
- Short legs, easy to tuck up when airborne
- Short and thin tails that keep out of their way when flying but have the lashing quality of a harsh whip, which is good for battle but not as good as it is for Water Sielfaci
- Powerful Ashmires - the most magnificent in Hellagon
Wings and scales:
All shades of pink
Silver, dark and light
Gold (neutral color)
Head, mane, and legs:
Grey (white)
Light dapple grey
This is a Flampade that many overlook, but shouldn't for they are special in their own way. Earth Sielfaci are the fastest runners of the Sielfaci, reaching speeds of up to 120 kilometers an hour, which is way faster than the fastest recorded speed of a horse!! But they are also some of the worst fliers in Hellagon, and are not the bravest. They will sidestep battle at all costs, and are quick to ally with the other Flampades, though generally Fire Flampade because they are closest and also most powerful.
Earth Sielfaci are agile in the air, but have little stamina and cannot travel high and fast while airborne. On ground, however, they can run for ages without losing breath. They are short and stocky Sielfaci, shorter than the dainty Air Sielfaci.
They live in the dense forests at the northern end of Hellagon. This is why they are so
agile in the air, since they have to be to dodge the trees. Most Earth Silefaci dig holes big enough to accommodate themselves into the thickest trees, which is a cozier way to spend the night.
- Long, hairy legs compared to the rest of them which make them good runners
- A strong heart, another thing good for running
- Small wings that are easily tucked up when running but make it hard to fly high or long
- Sharp teeth; their main battle weapon
- Short, neat tail and coarse, long mane
- Short and thick body
Wings and scales
All shades of green
Navy blue
Dark yellow
Gold (neutral color)
All shades of brown
Dark silver
Heads, manes, and legs:
Dark bay
Light bay
Dark bay skewbald
Light bay skewbald
Bay roan
Dark bay appaloosa
Light bay appaloosa
Black (the only Flampade that can have a Sielfaci older than a scalling that is black)
And last,but not least, Fire Flampade. They are have the largest builds of all Sielfaci, and the strongest army. Most of them love battle (not all though, because remember, all Sielfaci are different, but in general they are battle hungry).The reason I say this is that they make warfare without need to. Their territory easily accommodates their numbers, which are large but not huge.
Their territory is closest to Water Flampade and Earth Flampade. They are at the western side of Hellagon, though not the most western edges, more towards the western side of the middle. At least a quarter of their territory is taken up by the Lara Rock Volcano, which provides well-growing vegetation. The rest of their territory is a mix of sparse pine forests and small meadows. They eat an even mix of plants and meat.
- Huge chest
- Long, thick legs
- Hooves grow fast, good for sharpening
- Small wings compared to the rest of them; they struggle with long or high flights
- Thick, heavy neck
Wings and scales:
All shades of red and yellow
Sunset orange
Sunset pink
Bright orange
Flaming blue
Gold (neutral color)
Heads, manes and legs:
Liver chestnut
Chestbnut appaloosa
Strawberry roan
Light bay
Dark bay
Steel grey
Glossary (Not all these words are in this part, but will be throughout the book):
Sielfaci - A fantasy species I made up that this book series is about. See
Hellagon - The fantasy world in which this series is set.
Flampade - The name of a herd of Sielfaci.
Sufframor - A Siefaci healer. There is one in each Flampade.
Soresta - The leader of a Flampade, can be a mare or a stallion. A Soresta recieves this role by battling any other Sielfaci wishing to be Soresta in a tournament
Sanfrose - All Sielfaci have a strong belief that when fellow Sielfaci pass away, they are welcomed to the stars by each Flampades legendary Sielfaci and become Sanfrose: ancestors among the stars.
Ashmire - Dragons breath fire, Star breathes his Starfire, and Sielfaci breath their Ashmire, which differs between what Flampade they are from. Each Sielfaci has a different Ashmire. Most Asmire are used in battle, but some can be for other things.
Asherguard - A mentor. When a colt or filly becomes an Ashling, they recieve an Asherguard (Asherguard must be warriors) who will teach them how to use their Ashmire, proper flight training, how to fight, etc.
Okay, so now you nkow all about the Sielfaci. And you probably know about the pegasi (pegasi in Hellagon can all be any horse colour with any wing colour, and they have 10 herds which you will find out about when the adventure begins). Let the story begin!
Thank you guys!!!
if you made a rp i would defitneteley join! you have a nice sense of humor like flame said and a really nice writing styl;e! cant wait for more!
K! Looking forward to it.
I have majorly edited this post! I have joined the glossary and profiles onto the introduction to make all the different posts less confusing. The Sielfaci pictures of the main characters will be posted as drawings and the pegasus main characters/OCs will be posted as Doll Divines :)
Thanks so much Flamefrost and Nightmist, and it's okay Nightmist that is the best way to describe them.
XD This is very creative and I apologize for refering them to dragon/horse/pegasus on a different post. I enjoyed this very much!!!!
Complicated but amazing, and I like the sense of humor (or humour, it that's how you spell it)
Dawnfeather OMG thanks so much!!!
oooo you are sounding like j.k rowling! great job!!!!
Thank you!!
They sound very creative and interesting!! Nice work :3
That is absolutely fine!! Thanks so much Dragon!! I have some Sielfaci drawings that I will post. There is a legendary Sielfaci called Moonray that is my best drawing. Thanks for everything Dragon!
Oh, this sounds fantastic!!! I can't wait to read more. If it's okay I would like to attempt drawing a of a Sielfaci, I always have problems visualizing creatures like this until I see a picture (and I really want to try drawing on they sound so cool!)