On my Bumbleberry post, OliveFeather5 asked me to do Wintermoon's feather, dark purple outlined in black. I started with it outlined in lavender, but I hope you like it!
(the gray and brown scribbly things are trees and a bush)
Feathers: Dark purple that fade into white, and for the outline very light gray. Amd for the background...... probably a snowy forest if you can do that.
I just posted it, hope you like it!
Yeah its kind of a tricky feather color. But Thank you!
You can do it!!!
okay, the fading might be hard but I'll try
Yes please!!! My OC Whitesnow:
Feathers: Dark purple that fade into white, and for the outline very light gray. Amd for the background...... probably a snowy forest if you can do that.
Cass do you want me to do a feather for an OC of yours? If so which one? please say the color, the outline color, and the background
Omggggg!!! That looks Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!