Kaylee, using a mouse and using your finger are two VERY different things. I used my iPad to draw that, not a computer. If I used a computer, it would probably look like a two year old tried to draw over a five year old’s attempt at a cat horse lol
Lol, but don't cut yourself short, my first digital pegasus drawing was supposed to be of Dewberry, but it turned out looking more like a brown, white, and green pixelated blob. I'll have to see if it's still saved
Wow, that's so pretty wispi! I could NEVER do art on the computer, I tried drawing a horse on it once and it looked like a dragon threw up a donkey. Better stick with paper and pencil. ;-D
Thank you so much Skyfeather, and people don't give me drawing request because I've made it clear that if I'm not specify asking for them, the only way to get a drawing of their OCs is to win them in my drawing challenges. And it didn't take me all that long to draw, only a few hours at most
Dragon!!!!!! This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised people asked me for drawing requests when you are here!!!!!!!!!! Dang, that must have taken a long time to do!
Okay cause I use Tayasui Sketches
Hahaha I guess I need to get an iPad then!
Yup, it's a pretty good drawing app in my opion
Dragon and I use the same app. It’s called SketchBook.
WAIT. Wispi, what app or you using?!?!?
That's cool, I need to try that!
I technically do use a computer to draw my digital art, but it's has a touch screen
Kaylee, using a mouse and using your finger are two VERY different things. I used my iPad to draw that, not a computer. If I used a computer, it would probably look like a two year old tried to draw over a five year old’s attempt at a cat horse lol
Lol, but don't cut yourself short, my first digital pegasus drawing was supposed to be of Dewberry, but it turned out looking more like a brown, white, and green pixelated blob. I'll have to see if it's still saved
Wow, that's so pretty wispi! I could NEVER do art on the computer, I tried drawing a horse on it once and it looked like a dragon threw up a donkey. Better stick with paper and pencil. ;-D
Lol, that's really impressive Wispi
Okay, I officially LOVE the airbrush.
Oh, yeah, it took me a wile to figure out how to use it very well
I agree with you Kaylee! And yes Dragon, I meant the airbrush
Thank you Nightmist
lol. No matter what it's still amazing.
Wow, not bad!
Thank you so much Skyfeather, and people don't give me drawing request because I've made it clear that if I'm not specify asking for them, the only way to get a drawing of their OCs is to win them in my drawing challenges. And it didn't take me all that long to draw, only a few hours at most
Dragon!!!!!! This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised people asked me for drawing requests when you are here!!!!!!!!!! Dang, that must have taken a long time to do!