Happy (late) Easter everyone!! I thought I'd do a drawing for Easter and decided to do Shadepebble. I think I'll draw Hazelwind next, and after, Dewberry!
Olive, is Brightwing almost done? Super excited!!!!!!
Holy pegasus! That looks AMAZING!!!!
Can you draw Wishriver? Its going to be on a seperate post on herd chat if ya can :)
Oofie duhs, Drawing* XD
O.O I loved the picture!:D
Alright thanks! I'll try to draw a sketch tonight but it may be a little bit because of stupid homework.
About how good Shadepebble is?
Name: Brightwing
Age: 17
Gender: male
Height: 17 hands or so.
Herd: Valley Herd
Rank: Over-stallion
Wing color: bright gold
Personality: Everything an over-stallion should be.
Crush: Starsummer
Mate: Starsummer (duh!)
Friends: His captains and Starsummer.
Enemies: All other Herd leaders except for a few.
Note: Very protective of Starsummer.
That’s okay! I’ll find the description.
I certainly can! Although the background may not be the best.
And Olive, can you draw my OC Brightwing? (I will post his description in a second). And for a background, can you do a clear blue sky on the Prairie?
I know! :D
She just has a gift from God.
Doesn’t she?
OliveFeather, you always do an amazing job with your drawings! :)
lol, her mouth in just behind her scarf. And Wispi, i'm not the best but I can certainly try.
That's just her style of drawing. I like it!!!!!!!
ooh cool drawing!!
But where's her mouth?