Honeyfall: "Dragon can't deicide who will win her challenge so she wants everyone to help her by voting on your favorite pics. You cast your vote by clicking the heart shaped button the bottom right corner. Every one has max of three votes, but can't give all votes to one person, also people who participated are not allowed to vote.
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If you want to
Does this mean I can go back to my old pic?
Thanks goodness that some one broke the tie (I know who it was, but I wont say), I will make a post a
voted but not telling for who
Oh ok hehe..
This voting is supposed to be anonyms
I know not for me because I don't have any votes yet but just curious.
For who?
I forgot to mention that you guys have until 8:00pm (ak time) on 10/17/2017 to cast your votes
Entire #4:
Rainleaf (Desert Herd) drew this to show her love of cats and pegasi
Entire #3:
Wispiflower took this picture at an Amish farm in Pennsylvania
Entire #2:
jgracew421 is using a picture of American Pharaoh because she got to meet him for her 12th birthday
Entire #1:
Rianfeather made this so she would have a permeant profile pic