Here is Frostfire with what his rider might look like! I tried to make them exact opposites, aka why they are facing away from each other in disgust, and I don’t know if I conveyed the idea too well..... i also messed up on some of the anatomy, so please excuse that, but I hope you enjoy it! :D

By the way, I like the new profile picture :D
Their not pouting for one, she’s looking skeptically at him. I know, I suck at drawing people, so I apologize for making it look like she was pouting, but Frostfire is very fierce in my vision, and very outgoing. She, is supposed to be shy, and more gentle xd. I completely failed at this...... sorry....
Great drawing!
But wouldn't someone who's the opposite of Frostfire (strong-willed, argumentative, stubborn, and tending to stand on his dignity) be somewhat flaky, easily persuaded, and seeking to make their point heard rather than arguing? If so, I don't think they would be pouting and facing away from Frostfire. But whatever. It's still a very good drawing.
XD. thanks!!! :D
This is supper good! I love how you made Frostfire turning away in disgust. He hates everything no matter what! XD