So I was doodling in the car and I doodled Morningleaf. She turned out so cute so I just had to turn the doodle into a digital painting. And I'm so proud of my drawing! I almost died of cuteness 5 times as I was drawing her. I wish I could meet her in real life.
This might be a new style.....
(And by the way, there are still 3 judges that haven't responded yet. I'm hoping that they will cast their votes tomorrow. I would have just announced the winners, but there was a tie between two of the contestants.)

Hello! I'm viewing all the amazing fan art on the Message Board! I have a new guardianherdfanart Instagram account. I'm choosing some pics to post and I'd like to know if I can post this one? Also, let me know how you'd like the photo credit to read. Thank you!
Thanks guys!
Wow Morningleaf looks AMAZING!!!
Lol 😆😆
WOW, SHE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! 😱😱😱💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
OH BUTTER FINGERS x dies with echomoon x
EEEHHHHHHHH -dies from bootiful overload with Cass-
-dies from see her beauty-