Hello guys! So, todays prompt was poisonous! So, I drew this flower that is supposed to be a poisonous one, but looks soft. I don't know if I captured it right, but boy was it fun! I hope you guys will join me in Inktober too! Hope you enjoy it! :D

( Sorr for the lighting. ;-; Tried my best.... )
XDD. Thanks guys!!!!!
That’s what I thought. Thanks.
Inara that's awesome!! Seriously, I couldn't do that.
Wispi, she made a post about it, but it's basically an art challenge over the month of October to create an art piece with ink every day of the month.
is it Inkvite? xD
That’s so cool! But what is Inktober Lol?
woah really awesome!
Ooooo, I like it