I hope I got her adorable enough! And before anyone says anything, I know the butterfly (yes that is what it is) is terrible, but like a fool I didn’t try to redo it.
River: "On certain circumstances, I would rip you to pieces and feed you to the dragons, but, since that would probably be rated R and we have to keep it around PG-PG13, I won't do it. So, you and Diamondsong can be friends. PERIOD. If I find out that you two were doing something behind my back......... X-X"
Graywood: Yes, fine, FRIENDS. Nothing more. You here me? -he said, giving Goldenleaf "The Stare"-
Diamondsong: -her white coat turned red- x blush blush x
Junetree: -took a million pics of the “most adorable hug of the century”- River, you gotta let them at least be friends. You to Greywood. Look at the cute pictures!!! -has heart eyes-
Goldenleaf: x can't stop staring at pic x OMG DIAMONDSONG YOU ARE THE CUTEST FILLY I KNOW!!!!!!! x hugs her x
Oceanbreeze: x pat pat of ze Wispi x It's okay...... I know I'm not as cute as Diamondsong but I AM SURE AM CLOSE!!!!!!!! x does his puppy dog eyes and adorable smile with his tongue hanging out just slightly x
Junetree: Awwwh! They’re already the most adorable pair of friends ever! <3 -can’t help but laugh behind her wing too-
Diamondsong: -burst into laughter- HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAA!A!!!!!!!!!! -is crying with all ze laughter-
Goldenleaf: x salutes x EYE-I CAPTAIN!!!!!!!!!! x makes the serious but gigles and then brakes it and goes down in a fit of coughing and nickering x
Diamondsong: O_O hehe x tomato, but grins in spite of herself x
Junetree: Sadly :(
Horizongold: "Key word someday."
Okay!! I get it!
Junetree: -pat pat- It’s Okay sweetly, they will let you live. Someday. :)
Diamondsong: x blush blush BLUSH x
River: "On certain circumstances, I would rip you to pieces and feed you to the dragons, but, since that would probably be rated R and we have to keep it around PG-PG13, I won't do it. So, you and Diamondsong can be friends. PERIOD. If I find out that you two were doing something behind my back......... X-X"
Graywood: Yes, fine, FRIENDS. Nothing more. You here me? -he said, giving Goldenleaf "The Stare"-
Diamondsong: -her white coat turned red- x blush blush x
Junetree: You gotta let him have his way. Just look at that face! :’)
Goldenleaf: PLEASEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Junetree: Awwwwh. :’( -takes a picture-
Goldenleaf: x jumps in to their convo x PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! x famous puppy dog eye stare with sad music in background and rain pouring overhead x
Junetree: -took a million pics of the “most adorable hug of the century”- River, you gotta let them at least be friends. You to Greywood. Look at the cute pictures!!! -has heart eyes-
Goldenleaf: x realizes he was hugging her also and skerts away x hehehehehe Riverbreeze........... Please don't kill me.......... x tomatoe x
Diamondsong: -smiles brightly- Thanks everyone! -realizing Goldenleaf is hugging her- x tomato x
Goldenleaf: x can't stop staring at pic x OMG DIAMONDSONG YOU ARE THE CUTEST FILLY I KNOW!!!!!!! x hugs her x
Oceanbreeze: x pat pat of ze Wispi x It's okay...... I know I'm not as cute as Diamondsong but I AM SURE AM CLOSE!!!!!!!! x does his puppy dog eyes and adorable smile with his tongue hanging out just slightly x
Alll O' OCs: AWWWH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!
Aww! She's like TGH's little Sunny :)