How have ya'll been? Your probably asking where I've been... but honestly... i dont really know either.
So today!!! I am going to be doing Art Tradesss!!! I don't know if you guys actually know about this, But im bringing it from Amino. So as you may or may not know, I L O V E Warriors (the series) It's my life, although I also love this series just as much. In the Warrior's Amino, I picked up art trades. If you dont know art trades is just making art for a person, and that same person making art for you! it can be Ocs, scenes, Headshots, Fullbodys, etc.... If you guys do know about this, then oops... I've been gone awhile, and I truly apologize for that. I'll try to be more active from now on!
Comment down below that you want to trade.
Give me a Reference of the character you want me to draw.
Give me a pose and if you want a headshot or fullbody.
And Ya good, I'll do it! (I'll reply with "cool!")
Alright, Now It's your turn! Im going to post a picture of my oc, Cedarsplash (on this post) so I don't have to repost it a million times.
Dark Bay Appaloosa
Light Green Wings and bright blue eyes.
(the picture isn't right, her eyes are blue.)
If you have Any questions, Comment down below!!! <3

Hello Olive! Are you still doing this? Because if you are, I need to update my description for Jorn.
Here is my reference picture for him:
I haven’t yet drawn Cedarsplash. I will as soon as I have time.
oh dear I’ll try to finish some soon!
Soooo does that mean no art trades or yes art trades?
NP, I'm glad your back
Sorry guys!
Oh ooof! I didn’t know this sent!!!
pooooh! i love chocolate (silver dappled)
Oh cool, I love silver dapples (that's what a blackish coat color with flaxen mane and tail is called)
Ohhhh!!!!! Can we do an art trade???
Could you please draw my ROTR oc Jorn?
He is a Black Forest horse (really dark brown) with a flaxen mane and tail. His eyes are amber and he has two high hind white socks. He also has a thin blaze on his face. His wing color is a light green/ blue. Like a light aqua but a bit greyish.
oooo love the background and the hose! very ice1
Okay, I finished Cedarsplash:
could you draw Nightsong for me? ill draw lol Cedarsplash too. im too lazy to get the description right now XD ill get it later
Breezebell: Gender: Female Height:----- Age: Almost two but idk. So more like a yearling. Herd: Glacier Herd Rank: Foal Description: Dark chestnut pionto with a cresecent moon on forehead Mane/Tail: Dark flaxen so about the same color as her coat just a tiny bit darker Feathers: Dull but VERY sparkley purple Family: Forestbeam ( mother ) Crimsonstom ( father ) Redmoon ( twin sister ) Friends: Everyone Enemies: Porbalbly no one :) Crush: Silverflame Mate:---- Personality: Kind, caring, playful, teasing, loves to kid around, doesn't really take things seriously unless someone is hurt. Note: Pic:
XDD I actually have an OC called Cedarpond and she's an appolloosa too! Just a different kind XD So I actually think I like this!
How bout you draw one of my newest OCs, and I'll draw Cedarsplash for you:
Name: Gemfrost
Age: 1
Gender: female
Height: 12hh (and still growing)
Herd: Glacier Herd
Rank: battle mare
Wing color: turquoise colored feathers
Personality: strict, loyal, decisive, dependable, calm
Crush: ----
Mate: ----
Friends: Silverflame, Emberblaze, Stormglade, Goldenstream, Redmoon
Enemies: ---
(bay roan pinto, four white stockings, black and white mane and tail, thin blaze)
Oh, so you draw my OC, and I draw your OC. This is actually a pretty cool idea