Hi everyone, somehow I passed my 100th post here without realizing it, so I'm celebrating the 111th!!!!!! Triple digits!!!! (that are all the same because I might like math too much! Also 1 is the only number that is neither prime nor composite if you want me to go more nerdy) . . . .
But ANYWAY, I am also starting a Name the Character series!! The prize for guessing right will be a feather pic (you can choose digital or non-digital). Anyway, here is the first OC!!
This OC is a chestnut pinto/palomino chimera with dark red wings tipped in ice blue/sky blue. I think it is one of my best drawings yet to be honest! Here is the picture:

(Dragon I know you know this so please don't answer)
The Colours are sooo vibrant!!! Incredible!
LOL i drew it in 3rd grade
I guess i’ve gotten better? LOL
Heres what i tried when i was in 3rd grade lol(:
Thanks(: dragon
I used to say that every time Echomoon/Emi would make a comment saying something like "I am the worst at drawing" but she hasn't made a comment like that in a wile
True. But my dad has this thing where he can make highlighted text be spoken to him if the font is too small, so I could do that here. But then again, it isn't Dragon speaking, it's whoever had their voice recorded on the computer/phone/iPad/tablet etc.
Well you cant hear her say it because she's typing it, right?
Dragon I've never heard you say that
No, like the horses I draw look like.... I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE SO BAD!!!! I don't normally :sing, draw, or try to count the amount of friends I have, in front of my family. I typically do all those things in private.
How many times do I have to say this: there's no such thing as a bad artist, everyone just has their own drawing style
Foxfire looks awesome!!!!!! XD and Riverstar I feel your pain lol. I'm so horrible XD
I am terrible at drawing!!!! For my birthday last year, my little sister got me a tracing kit for horses. It's really awesome, but one time I teased her about getting that for me because my drawings are so terrible.
Um.... I suck at drawing soooooo... I don't normaly do drawing contests, Try me on books and I might do that if I could find the book
Don't you mean "Oh YAY this is one of your drawing challenges?"
Oh no is this one of your drawing challenges?